The BIGSdb website Policy concerning the platform & data use agreement and the privacy notice of BIGSdb-Pasteur was updated on March 25, 2024. Please consult it before using the platform and the data.
The procedure for submitting data for curation were updated on Mai 03, 2024. Please consult them before making a new submission. If any questions, contact us.
Get in touch with us!
Please contact us by email during your project preparation if you wish to benefit from the BIGSdb-Pasteur private storage and nomenclature services. You will find for each species database, a dedicated email alias, with which you can also request your account for submitting data to curation queue.
Collaborate with us
If you plan to analyse huge amount of data using the BIGSdb-Pasteur nomenclature system and wish to keep them private for long-term, we may ask you to involve us within your grant application as a service provider. You would thereby benefit of full support, consulting and training from our facilities and experts for the storing and processing of your data. Please, do not hesitate to contact us even during the planning of your project to evaluate your needs and the bioinformatics service we can provide you.